“Europe is still South Africa’s biggest export destination for fresh fruit. However, due to declining consumption in Europe, we have a strong focus on gaining access to, and developing markets in the Far East and Asia,” says Kellerman. The Deputy Director-General of Exports at the dtic, Ms Lerato Mataboge says exports are an essential element of the South Africa’s industrialisation drive. “Our department offered the support to the firms in order to increase their export capacity and access to global markets. For a number of years, Fruit Logistica Berlin has been one of the few flagship national pavilions of the dtic in Europe,” adds Mataboge. Fruit Logistica Berlin covers all sectors of the fresh produce business. It showcases innovations, products and services at every link in the international supply chain. It is regarded as the global fresh produce industry’s most prominent and influential trade event with a significant number of European and international buyers. The fair, which usually attracts exhibitors from more than 140 countries and approximately 60 000 visitors, offers good networking opportunities with key decision-makers in every sector of the industry
31 January 2025 – The Marketing Manager of the Fresh Produce Exporters’ Forum (FPEF), Ms Marletta Kellerman has described the Fruit Logistica Berlin international exhibition as significant to South Africa, which is the biggest exporter of fresh fruit in the Southern Hemisphere. She says the show offers an opportunity to retain markets and export volumes […]